Saturday, March 31, 2007

Revenge of the pollen

Well, It's been awhile life gets busy, and then you forget the name of your own blog. We are no longer in the Northwest we are now... in Georgia! I know, big change. But I am getting organized now and can no longer resist the urge to post on my blog. This is in thanks to the phenomenon that we will be refering to as "green snow". It reminds me of Groudhog Day when what's his face says, refering to the winter, "it's long, it's cold, and it's going to last you the rest of your life". What is this green snow you ask? It's pollen. Oh yes, this "snow" is green, it's everywhere, and it's going to make you sneeze. Truth is stranger than fiction, and I just can't make stuff like this up. For those of you here in Georgia this post will be a nice commiserate. For those of you in Washington, it' like the twilight zone. Creepy, and it definately wants to make you stay indoors. We ate dinner outside and 20 min later EVERYTHING had a brand new pollen layer on it. All the cars look like they haven't been washed in months. We drive up the driveway and we can see our tire tracks. My deck etc.. looks like it needs a good dusting. And, I have now bruised my eye from all the rubbing and,- I feel like I have a sinus infection. I woke up last night, kinda having a hard time breathing. And I thought (in my sleep stupor state) Hey I'll just open the window and everything will be all better in about 10 min. Then I remembered Hey Dorothy, you're not in Washigton anymore, open that window...AND YOU WILL DIE!!! Or at least feel like it's a definate possibility. So instead I "slept" sitting up. AJ now has a mutiny on his hands. That's right, I turned on the AC. And I don't even feel bad. Hey, something has got to filter this air. This stuff would make some seriously malicious snowballs. Thankfully, I don't think it packs well. Oh- but I did see some children (at least 30) "sledding" down a dry hill on paper boxes. Poor real snow deprived children. (I think I took a picture -maybe I can get some help with that)We actually tried it. It just wasn't so thrilling. We stopped. Well I have more but you will have to turn in next time for more "tales from the blog" Next time, What does pollen taste like? and more.